Driveway Paving Services
An asphalt driveway is an investment in your home, so it is important to choose a reputable paving company who is honest, skilled and communicative. At Morcom Paving, we will work with you to ensure your finished driveway's appearance and functionality exceed your expectations.
A new asphalt driveway will not only add to the beauty and functionality of your home, it will also transform your family's every day enjoyment of the place where they make the most memories.

Driveway Paving
New Asphalt Driveway Paving
A solid base for an asphalt driveway is essential for durability and functionality. We will examine the existing base and add gravel so we can ensure the base is solid. As the gravel is added, we will compact and shape/grade it so the base will be consistent with the desired water diversion for the finished asphalt driveway.
Once the base is perfect, we will lay the asphalt down and thoroughly compact it. During the compaction process, we will continually evaluate the grade of the asphalt to ensure the finished product will shed water in the correct direction. Additionally, as the asphalt is being laid down, the edges will be hand tamped to produce a smooth clean edge. When the paving is complete, we will add gravel around the border of the driveway to protect the edge and create an aesthetically pleasing appearance.


Old Asphalt Driveway Replacement

After Overlay

We will examine the existing asphalt driveway to determine the most cost effective course of action:
If the asphalt is in generally good shape with a few problem areas we will present the option to have those areas repaired and likely recommend an application of sealcoat. This option is often times the most cost effective for repairing the functionality of the driveway. You can visit our sealcoating services page or our asphalt repair and maintenance page to learn more about these services.
If the asphalt is still functional, but is starting to show serious signs of deterioration, we will likely recommend an asphalt overlay. An asphalt overlay involves the application of asphalt over top of the existing driveway. Many residential paving contractors will neglect to repair damaged sections of the existing driveway prior to the overlay. At Morcom Paving, we will make sure you know the damaged sections will be removed and replaced prior to the overlay, so you can be confident the issue will not reoccur a few years down the road.
If the asphalt is excessively damaged or worn to the point where an overlay is not cost effective, we will likely recommend a removal of the existing driveway and an installation of new asphalt. After the old driveway is removed, we will complete the same process as described in the "New Asphalt Driveway Paving" section.
We will always provide a premium customer service experience along with a meticulous attention to detail while completing your project. When finished, we will both be proud of the work, and you will enjoy it for years to come, we promise!