Parking lot Paving Services
A freshly paved asphalt parking lot, with crisp organized striping, serves as an impactful introduction for visitors to your organization. At Morcom Paving, we specialize in delivering cost-effective, durable, and visually appealing parking lot paving solutions. Moreover, we collaborate closely with you throughout the estimation and paving process to ensure minimal impact on your daily operations.
Parking lot Paving
New Asphalt Parking Lot Paving
Establishing a solid foundation for your asphalt parking lot is fundamental for its durability and functionality. Our process begins with a thorough evaluation of the existing sub-grade, followed by the strategic addition of rock to ensure maximum durability and longevity. As we integrate the rock, we meticulously compact and grade it to seamlessly align with the desired water diversion for your finished parking lot.
Once the parking lot's base is prepared, we move forward with laying the asphalt. As the asphalt is laid, we apply compaction at different intervals as the asphalt cools in order to maximize durability, longevity and appearance. Throughout the compaction process, we vigilantly monitor the asphalt grade to ensure efficient water drainage.
Once the asphalt parking lot is complete, we will apply line striping to whatever layout you desire and add wheel stops if requested.

Old Asphalt Parking Lot Replacement
We will examine the existing asphalt parking lot to determine the most cost effective course of action which aligns with your organization's needs:
If the asphalt remains generally intact with only a few problematic areas, we'll propose targeted repairs alongside a sealcoat application. This course of action is often the most economical solution for restoring a parking lot's functionality and appearance . After the sealcoat application, the parking lot will be re-striped to either the prior layout or to a new layout you choose.
In cases where the asphalt is functional but displays significant signs of wear, we typically recommend an asphalt overlay. An asphalt overlay involves repairing any excessively damaged sections, followed by an application of asphalt over top of the existing parking lot surface.
However, if the asphalt has undergone extensive damage beyond the feasibility of overlaying, we advise a complete removal of the existing parking lot followed by new asphalt installation. Following the removal process, we execute the same procedures outlined in the "New Asphalt Parking lot Paving" section to ensure a durable and long-lasting solution.